Welcome back to Season 3 of the Soft Landing podcast! This season, we are focusing on topics around trauma, and to help us get started, we are joined by a Healing Exchange team member, River Chew, to discuss trauma and disordered eating. River (they/them) is a Licensed Master Social Worker who specializes in trauma and eating disorder treatment. They are passionate about the healing power of creative expression and believe that creativity belongs to everyone. Join us as we discuss what it means to experience trauma and the ways in which we can begin to reimagine what and who disordered eating impacts.

Interested in diving deeper? Checkout this week's worksheet, Body Image and Emotions Worksheet, and use it to explore the messages we've received about our bodies and more.
Want to engage with us? Then send us one of your questions today and give us something to talk about! Share a question here that you have about sex, relationships, and trauma to be featured on a future episode. Find us on Instagram @softlandingpodcast!
Soft Landing is created, hosted, and edited by Rafaella Fiallo and Eric Jones. The intro, outro, and transition music all provided by: https://freebeats.io and produced by White Hot.
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