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Nurturing Our Attachment Wounds
6-weeks of developing awareness and skills needed to feel emotionally safe in your relationships.
Service Description
Dates: TBD - BOOK A CONSULTATION WITH MELONY FOR INTEREST LIST Location: 462 N Taylor Ave, St. Louis, MO 63108 Cost*: $330/ or $55 per session It is difficult to disclose how our parents or caregivers did not meet our needs, specifically our emotional needs. So many of the concerns I support adult clients with, such as anxiety, depression, self-worth, intimacy, and relationship concerns are often rooted in ruptured bonding and painful experiences with their caregivers. Often, we are unaware that our unmet needs are subconsciously guiding our behavior or experiences in adulthood. Therefore, we tend to recreate relationship dynamics and reinforce attachment wounds due to familiarity. Here are some common attachment wounds that show up in adulthood: -Downplaying pain experienced in childhood or adulthood by placing your parent(s) or caregivers on a pedestal -Repeated dysfunctional relationships or similar dating types -Difficulty regulating emotions -Emotionally avoidant or enmeshed behaviors -Difficulty feeling close to others or avoiding intimacy with others -Strong need for independence or control -Difficulty trusting others -Difficulty in letting go of unhealthy relationships -Blurry or spotty childhood memories -Normalizing or repeating harmful behaviors -Perfectionism and anxiety Without understanding and nurturing our attachment wounds, we run the risk of replicating wounds in our current and future relationships. This 6-week supportive and shame-free space for those who want to leave behind feeling emotionally responsible for their parent(s), feel safe to experience healthy emotional connections and intimacy in their relationships and improve emotional wellness in their adult relationships. Why participating in group therapy about attachment wounds is beneficial? Being vulnerable is not easy if we are used to feeling invalidated, dismissed, misunderstood, or emotionally responsible for others. Creating a supportive container where we can explore our experiences amongst others who have similar experiences can help ease feelings of isolation, and increase emotional connection and intimacy. Participating in supportive groups gives us the opportunity to be vulnerable and fully received and to show up in our relationships differently. *Medical insurance will not be accepted and billed for this service. Therapist/facilitator: Melony Crayton, PLPC
Cancellation Policy
To avoid late cancellation and no call/no show fees, please contact us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment if you need to cancel/reschedule our appointment.
Contact Details
462 North Taylor Avenue, St. Louis, MO, USA